CSIRO’s AquaWatch mission is a system intended to deliver near real-time data for the monitoring and managing the quality of water systems throughout Australia and the world…
Algal and cyanobacterial blooms are natural phenomena, but their frequency and intensity are increasing due to…
Nitrogen removal from sewage is essential, however, conventional processes require a lot of energy and an organic carbon source, such as fats, oils and foods…
Antimicrobial resistance has been identified by the water industry as a growing concern in the delivery of wastewater treatment and water recycling schemes…
As one of the strongest kinds of greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N²O) emissions occupy a significant amount of biosolids management, especially regarding biosolids stockpiles, causing risks globally…
Extreme events can be unpredictable in terms of their impact on raw water quality which is further complicated by the possible introduction of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) into catchment runoff…
This project assessed the feasibility of using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an algaecide to control cyanobacteria in the treated effluent lagoons at Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant (WTP)…
Melbourne Water’s Eastern and Western Treatment Plants (ETP and WTP) treat over 90% of Melbourne’s sewage…
South East Water has developed a vibration sensor device named Sotto to detect leaks within its network in order to reduce wastage…