Water Research Australia is delighted to welcome two new staff to our BIG Team.

Both Zach Powell and Cheryl Bertelkamp have joined the Research Team as a Research Managers, based in Melbourne.

Zach has a PhD in ocean chemistry from the University of Otago and brings excellent knowledge from working in technical and policy roles across government departments in Victoria and New Zealand to his role. Zach’s experience includes providing public health guidance on managing environmental hazards, developing policy on urban water management and being a technical-policy lead for reducing the risk of powerlines igniting bushfires. Previously Zach was a program manager for a government-NGO partnership to develop and launch a satellite to measure global methane emissions. He has also worked in various laboratory roles. Zach brings to WaterRA a passion for working across different technical areas and using science to inform good policy outcomes for human health and the environment.

Cheryl has a PhD in the field of organic micropollutant removal through riverbank filtration, and embarked on her professional journey as a Scientific Researcher at KWR Watercycle Research Institute in The Netherlands. At KWR she expanded her expertise in water research, fostering extensive collaborations with drinking water companies and universities. In 2021, Cheryl transitioned to a position at Waternet, the water utility of Amsterdam, where she was involved in increasing the drinking water treatment plant’s capacity. Cheryl played an active role in investigating alternative sources, evaluating various treatment technologies, and conducting pilot plant research to improve the overall design and performance. Cheryl brings technological knowledge to her role, as well as enthusiasm and curiosity, to contribute to a wide array of projects.

Please join us in making Zach and Cheryl feel welcome.