Water Research Australia would like to congratulate students in our Research Leadership Program that have recently had their work published in scientific journals.
PhD Candidate Edward Tsyrlin (University of Melbourne) has had a third paper from his research published in the Journal of Environmental Management:
Edward’s paper shows that if waterway managers want to use a macroinvertebrate dataset for conservation planning as well as for monitoring of river health, they must use species-level taxonomy rather than family-level taxonomy. Previously, identifying freshwater invertebrates to the species level using DNA analysis was expensive and impractical, but thanks to the efforts of PEARG and others, it is now quick and affordable.
PhD Candidate Kala Senathirajah (University of Newcastle) has been published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials:
“A disaster risk reduction framework for the new global instrument to end plastic pollution”
Kala’s paper explores the implications of framing plastic pollution as a ‘disaster’ in light of the development of the new global instrument to end plastic pollution by aligning the objectives of the United Nations (UN) Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SF) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and thereby also complementing the many climate and non-climate mandates embedded within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).