Microbeads derived from personal care products that are introduced to waste water treatment streams and contaminated by persistent organic pollutants are an increasing area of concern for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems…
Microbeads derived from personal care products that are introduced to waste water treatment streams and contaminated by persistent organic pollutants are an increasing area of concern for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems…
As an alternative water resource, stormwater has a great potential to be reused for various purposes, including for the augmentation of drinking water supplies, but the reason stormwater run-off has not been widely used is because it contains unknown and variable amounts of chemical contaminants and microscopic organisms, some of which can cause illness and disease…
The standards for recycling stormwater are higher for drinking water than for non-potable reuse such as agricultural or urban irrigation…
Recycled water usually contains extremely low levels of many different chemicals…
Water supply is usually continuous, and interruptions to supply are expensive and inconvenient…
Wastewater must be treated to remove harmful pathogens and chemicals before it can be released to the environment, but the cost of proving that all pollutants have been removed is prohibitive because potentially thousands of separate chemicals would have to be measured…
Wastewater (WW) contains harmful chemicals, including pesticides, that can disrupt normal gene function or hormone activity…
European carp have decimated native fish species in the Murray-Darling River…
It is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to monitor drinking water by individually quantifying every possible polluting contaminant…