• Project No 1114
  • Project Name National Carp Control Program: Risks, costs and water industry response
  • Lead Organisation SA Water
  • Main Researcher Rolando Fabris
  • Completion Year 2019

Project Description

European carp have decimated native fish species in the Murray-Darling River. The federally funded National Carp Control Plan proposes using a carp-specific virus to kill the pest-fish, but before doing so are consulting with a broad array of environmental, conservation and other stakeholders, including the water industry. There are concerns that large amounts of dead and decaying carp near water offtakes or storages might overwhelm the capacity of water treatment plants (WTPs) to remove organic matter and taste and odour compounds, and might compromise the production of safe, palatable drinking water. In this research a series of experiments led to the conclusions that medium to high carp densities could be managed by adding a 30 minute procedure to existing WTP methods, and that there would not be an increased risk to public health.