A groundbreaking collaboration involving 23 project partners from various sectors of the water industry across seven states and territories has resulted in the release of essential tools aimed at enhancing the competency of water industry operators.
The Technical Competency Benchmark for Water Industry Operators project (WaterRA Project 1139) has developed a suite of products, including an Auditing Tool and Benchmarking Report, along with a comprehensive Summary Report.
This release marks a significant milestone in seeking standardised training and competency within the water industry, addressing the critical need for a structured approach to operator training and competency.
The initiative, which builds upon the findings of the Value of Operator Competency Project (2019), has developed a technical competency benchmark and auditing tool aimed at frontline water industry operators. Developed through extensive industry engagement and collaboration, the project seeks to establish minimum standards for technical competency, creating a more uniform approach to training and competency across the water industry. The release of Part A of these tools marks a pivotal moment in the industry’s efforts to elevate operator competency, with Part B set for release later in the year.
These resources are available to both WaterRA members and non-members, with secure download enabled upon account creation, aiming to bridge the gap between industry and regulators and ensure the industry is well-equipped to meet evolving challenges and deliver essential services to communities nationwide.