- Project No 3038
- Project Name A review of the Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP) using scientifically based information to enhance the current protocol
- Lead Organisation South East Water
- Research Lead Swinburne University of Technology
- Completion Year 2017
Project Description
The Stormwater Industry Association of Australia (SIA) formulated a draft Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP) proposed for use in validation of stormwater treatment devices. This was presented to some Victorian water industry and regulatory parties for comment in February 2016. The project’s aim was to provide scientific support for the guidance and/or scientifically supported alternative advice.
The purpose of this review was to investigate scientific literature related to stormwater protocols that can add value to the SQIDEP before its official release in 2018. A number of other international stormwater device evaluation protocols were also investigated. A scientifically defensible protocol would add value to the Australian stormwater industry and allow manufacturers and product end users to have confidence in the process used to assess stormwater treatment devices.
Overall a number of recommendations were proposed to improve the Australian-based protocol. These included: increasing the minimum number of storm events; increasing event coverage; reviewing some of the recommended performance metrics; sampling and analysis for suspended total solids, suspended solids concentration and particle size distribution as well as a range of other pollutants; providing target removal levels for suspended solids based on Australian guidelines; sampling some sequential storm events; and inclusion of operation and maintenance requirements and schedules.