Fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals sometimes show signs of ‘endocrine disruption’; aberrant changes to their hormone or reproductive systems that are thought to be caused by chemicals in the water they inhabit..
Fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals sometimes show signs of ‘endocrine disruption’; aberrant changes to their hormone or reproductive systems that are thought to be caused by chemicals in the water they inhabit..
Wastewater must be treated to remove harmful pathogens and chemicals before it can be released to the environment, but the cost of proving that all pollutants have been removed is prohibitive because potentially thousands of separate chemicals would have to be measured…
Wastewater (WW) contains harmful chemicals, including pesticides, that can disrupt normal gene function or hormone activity…
Before treated wastewater can be discharged to the environment, utilities are required to perform a direct toxicity assessment (DTA), which usually requires that live aquatic animals, such as fish, swim in the clean discharge water for 4-10 days while their growth and activity are observed and measured…
Cryptosporidium, a microscopic pathogen, forms infectious oocysts which are removed by specific and targeted water treatments…
Source waters are disinfected to remove harmful pathogens, but chlorine reacts with organic matter and bromides to form disinfection by-products (DBPs) which can affect health…
It is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to monitor drinking water by individually quantifying every possible polluting contaminant…
Cryptosporidium is a waterborne microscopic parasite with different forms at various stages of its lifecycle…