Fiona Smith
Non-Executive Director (Utility)
Quals:BSc (Resource and Env Mgmt), MBA (Tech Mgmt)
Appointed as Non-Executive Director of WaterRA in 2023, Fiona is Executive Manager – Strategy and Performance at WaterNSW. Fiona is responsible for the collection and management of water monitoring data across NSW, the use of this data to develop water quality and quantity models used for planning and operational needs and the WaterNSW Science Program to continue to develop the utility’s understanding of risks to water quality and catchment health. Fiona is also responsible for WaterNSW’s Land Management and Catchment Protection programs with a focus on managing the Greater Sydney Declared Catchment as part of WaterNSW’s role to provide raw water for treatment and supply to customers. With over 30 years of experience in the water industry across different organisations, Fiona brings to the Board experience and expertise to help WaterRA achieve its strategic goals.