• Project No 4955
  • Project Name Analyse the agricultural potential of struvite as a sustainable phosphorus fertiliser
  • Lead Organisation Water Research Australia
  • Research Lead University of Western Australia
  • Main Researcher Manish Sharma

Project Description


The main aim of this research project is to evaluate the agricultural potential of struvite as a sustainable phosphorus fertiliser. Struvite is a slow-release phosphorus fertiliser derived from human wastewater via a precipitation process. Struvite contains phosphorus (~12.35%), magnesium (~8.5%), ammonia (~4.0%) and some trace elements. This study will provide insight into the effects of struvite on growth, phosphorus use efficiency and rhizosphere microbial diversity for chickpea and wheat when compared with commercially-available highly-soluble phosphorus fertiliser.

PhD Thesis underway by Manish Sharma.