Adoption of a risk management approach to the removal of chemicals from water to provide safe water for both potable and non-potable applications is a key water industry need…
Traditionally, Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Validation is focussed on performance during commissioning when membranes are new, and the range of operating conditions are limited…
Raw source water contains parts of plants, blue-green algae and their toxins, and many other types of organic matter…
Potable water reuse is increasingly recognised as an important water management strategy for future Australian and international cities…
The Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling (AGWR) require water recycling treatment processes to be validated in ways that ensure that recycled water does not pose a risk to health, safety or the environment…
The Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling (AGWR) encompass acceptable health, safety and environmental targets for different types of recycled water…
Ultrafiltration membranes are used to remove viruses from treated wastewater…
Harmful pathogens and compounds must be removed from wastewater before it can be discharged to the environment or used for irrigation, and many source waters need salts removed to make them potable…
The Australian water industry uses a variety of membrane processes to remove unwanted pathogens or compounds, such as salt, from source waters…
In Australia, remote and regional communities frequently manage relatively small, isolated water treatment and waste management systems which have water quality and health risks characteristic of small-scale decentralised operations…