Historic gold mining has left a legacy of toxic waste which has contaminated soils and water globally…
Historic gold mining has left a legacy of toxic waste which has contaminated soils and water globally…
The genus Microcystis is responsible for many ‘nuisance’ and toxic algal blooms that threaten various fresh water bodies in Australia…
Cyanobacterial blooms are a concern for water utilities due to the potential production of cyanotoxins and taste and odours…
This project investigated the relationship between disinfection by-product (DBP) formation in drinking water and the molecular weight distribution of its natural organic matter precursors (NOM) to help increase our understanding of how NOM properties such as size, aromaticity and structure affect DBP formation and toxicity of the formed DBPs…
Anabaena circinalis, is a commonly occurring cyanobacterial species in Australian source waters…
Following the discovery of a species of cyanobacteria displaying novel toxicity, Limnothrix as a cause for concern, this project identified the toxin and developed techniques to detect and isolate it…
WaterRA is leading a Water Industry Consortium (WIC) to deliver a research program through the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (crcCARE)…
The environmental conditions which cause blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms vary according to location, the climate, and other attributes of aquatic ecosystems…
Cyanobacterial blooms are a global water quality concern that affects drinking water, recreational areas, and irrigation systems…
Every day, Australians produce ~5 billion litres of wastewater, which contains a cocktail of chemicals…