To manage stormwater in an adaptive way as well as improving the mitigation strategies to cope with the climate change and urbanisation impacts, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) approaches are becoming popular…
To manage stormwater in an adaptive way as well as improving the mitigation strategies to cope with the climate change and urbanisation impacts, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) approaches are becoming popular…
Growing populations and climate change place increased pressures on our water supplies…
The Stormwater Industry Association of Australia (SIA) formulated a draft Stormwater Quality Improvement Device Evaluation Protocol (SQIDEP) proposed for use in validation of stormwater treatment devices…
Raw source water contains parts of plants, blue-green algae and their toxins, and many other types of organic matter…
This project formed the Mekong node of the Collaboration on Sewage Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 “ColoSSoS” project after Water Research Australia and the Australian Water Association identified that technology transfer within Australia’s broader region was a logical extension of the local project…
As an alternative water resource, stormwater has a great potential to be reused for various purposes, including for the augmentation of drinking water supplies, but the reason stormwater run-off has not been widely used is because it contains unknown and variable amounts of chemical contaminants and microscopic organisms, some of which can cause illness and disease…
Bacteria such as Legionella occur naturally in freshwater…
The standards for recycling stormwater are higher for drinking water than for non-potable reuse such as agricultural or urban irrigation…
The ‘One Water’ paradigm recognises the interconnectedness of groundwater, stormwater, wastewater, flooding, water quality, wetlands, watercourses, estuaries, and coastal waters, and integrates multi-use, flexible and environmentally sustainable systems while valuing all urban water flows as a potential resource…
Stormwater and treated wastewater can contain infectious pathogens…