As one of the strongest kinds of greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N²O) emissions occupy a significant amount of biosolids management, especially regarding biosolids stockpiles, causing risks globally…
Australian water utilities are actively pursuing the goal of achieving net-zero emissions in the coming decades…
Biosolids, which are produced as a by-product of the wastewater treatment process, create a notable cost to industries due to their handling requirements…
Pyrolysis of biosolids is becoming more prevalent in Australia and is emerging as an opportunity to enhance solids handling associated with wastewater treatment, as the process can destroy several contaminants of concern…
By dewatering sludge, wastes can be efficiently and reliably concentrated into filter cakes with high solids for cost-effective disposal…
Management of sewage sludge is an issue for Industry…
This project has four specific objectives: (1) To identify ways to prevent or reduce the incidence of foaming during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge….
The project quantified the direct fugitive greenhouse gas emissions of the Canberra’s sewage treatment at Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC), identified potential fugitive emission reduction initiatives, and advised on the implementation of mitigation strategies…
Sludge-drying lagoons are used in Australia as a convenient and cost-effective method of de-watering wastewater sludge…
Barwon Water produces almost 700 tons of dry solid sludge per annum from its two main water treatment plants at Wurdee Buloc and the Moorabool River…