The steam produced by boiling a kettle of salty water can be collected, condensed and drunk…
Ultrafiltration membranes are used to remove viruses from treated wastewater…
Reverse osmosis (RO) is used to desalinate seawater and brackish groundwater, and to remove microscopic pathogens from treated wastewater…
Harmful pathogens and compounds must be removed from wastewater before it can be discharged to the environment or used for irrigation, and many source waters need salts removed to make them potable…
Wastewater must be treated to remove harmful pathogens and chemicals before it can be released to the environment, but the cost of proving that all pollutants have been removed is prohibitive because potentially thousands of separate chemicals would have to be measured…
Wastewater (WW) contains harmful chemicals, including pesticides, that can disrupt normal gene function or hormone activity…