Wastewater must be treated to remove harmful pathogens and chemicals before it can be released to the environment, but the cost of proving that all pollutants have been removed is prohibitive because potentially thousands of separate chemicals would have to be measured…
Wastewater (WW) contains harmful chemicals, including pesticides, that can disrupt normal gene function or hormone activity…
The ADWGs include methods and strategies for calculating all types of risks to water quality but lack guidance for managing extreme weather events…
Approximately 11% of Australians use rainwater as their main source of potable water but this poses a potential health risk caused by chemical contaminants or microbial pathogens from birds or mammals being washed off the roof…
This project developed analytical methods sensitive enough to detect the very low levels of compounds that leach out of old coal tar enamel-lined pipes, then catalogued the chemicals and the levels they were found at in a problematic pipeline…
It is prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to monitor drinking water by individually quantifying every possible polluting contaminant…