This project aims to understand microbial community dynamics and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil amended with biosolid/compost fertilizer…
This project aims to understand microbial community dynamics and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil amended with biosolid/compost fertilizer…
Biosolids odour impacts communities and public perception of water utilities…
This project aims to assess changes before and after completion of restoration works and in comparison to other nearby streams in…
This study successfully developed a variety of specific qPCR assays for the characterisation of host faecal contamination…
Faecal source tracking (FST) involves the identifying the contamination pathways and potential health risk of faecal contamination in source waters and is an important strategy for contaminant management within catchments…
Lake hydrodynamic models are used by water utilities to provide an estimation of the conditions within a water storage…
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the ability of microorganisms to resist antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals – is one of the greatest health threats of the 21st century…
One reason catchment water is treated to make drinking water is because it contains unwanted microscopic organisms…
Water supply sustainability demands that communities look toward non-traditional water sources for potable and household water needs…
The environmental conditions which cause blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms vary according to location, the climate, and other attributes of aquatic ecosystems…