Australian water utilities are striving to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with some aiming to achieve net zero emissions operation in the next decade…
As one of the strongest kinds of greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N²O) emissions occupy a significant amount of biosolids management, especially regarding biosolids stockpiles, causing risks globally…
Australian water utilities are actively pursuing the goal of achieving net-zero emissions in the coming decades…
Chicken Manure represents one of the largest organic waste streams in Australia…
The project quantified the direct fugitive greenhouse gas emissions of the Canberra’s sewage treatment at Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre (LMWQCC), identified potential fugitive emission reduction initiatives, and advised on the implementation of mitigation strategies…
Sludge-drying lagoons are used in Australia as a convenient and cost-effective method of de-watering wastewater sludge…
Before wastewater, (which includes sewage), can be recycled or released to the environment, it must be treated to remove harmful microorganisms and pollutants…
The steam produced by boiling a kettle of salty water can be collected, condensed and drunk…