This project provided an on-line monitoring protocol utilizing fluorescence to aid utilities in their provision of safe drinking water thus addressing the National Research Priority Goal “Water – A critical resource”…
Raw source water contains parts of plants, blue-green algae and their toxins, and many other types of organic matter…
One wastewater treatment (WWT) option is disinfection with ultra violet (UV) light to remove pathogens and some contaminants, but substances in treated wastewater, such as particles of solid matter, can absorb the UV radiation and reduce its disinfecting activity…
Water treatment plant operators remove cyanobacteria and the toxins they produce from source waters but calculating the amount of treatment needed for effective removal is difficult, particularly in bloom conditions when cyanobacterial cell numbers and toxins change quickly…
The aim of this project was to examine the utility of ultra-violet (UV) spectroscopy as a real-time water quality monitoring system…