The Australian water industry is currently focused on two VOCs, namely geosmin and MIB, which release an earthy-musty smell…
The Australian water industry is currently focused on two VOCs, namely geosmin and MIB, which release an earthy-musty smell…
This project revised operational methodologies in all systems from catchment to tap providing an improved understanding of the resource and cost implications…
Remote communities have an issue with hardness levels in water supplies…
This project aims to better understand chemical and biological hazards in Australia through long-term collection and analysis of wastewater and biosolids…
In 2006, strict restrictions on using tap water for gardening or car-washing were imposed in Melbourne but relaxed in 2010-2011 as rainfall replenished depleted reservoirs…
Water supply is usually continuous, and interruptions to supply are expensive and inconvenient…
Wastewater often contains endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) such as ethinyl estradiol (EE2) which is excreted by women who use some oral contraceptive pills…
There are concerns that recycled wastewater used for watering gardens or washing cars might be accidently ingested…
Although a cluster of customer complaints can identify specific water quality issues such as a dirty water event, it is more difficult to understand the extent of general customer satisfaction with water quality and taste…
Cryptosporidium, a microscopic single-cell parasite, forms an “oocyst” with a resistant outer layer analogous to an eggshell…