Research Style 2 Source & Catchments Reverse Osmosis Chemical Validation Protocol Human & Environmental Health Impacts Fate of PAPs and short-chain PFAS in biosolids amended soils Workforce AquaWatch end-users community of practice: Driving collaboration and innovation in water quality monitoring Circular Economy A practical guideline to monitor and quantify nitrous oxide emissions from full-scale wastewater treatment plants Human & Environmental Health Impacts AI-based cell imaging approaches for identifying and quantifying microorganisms in water and wastewater Circular Economy Achieving nitrite shunt for mainstream sewage treatment using human waste Circular Economy Conversion of waste materials into value added carbon nanofibres Source & Catchments Modernising microbial risk assessment: Innovative strategies for contaminant detection Networks & Treatment Antimicrobial resistance in advanced water treatment systems and supply networks Human & Environmental Health Impacts Bioremediation of pharmaceuticals from wastewater streams
Workforce AquaWatch end-users community of practice: Driving collaboration and innovation in water quality monitoring
Circular Economy A practical guideline to monitor and quantify nitrous oxide emissions from full-scale wastewater treatment plants
Human & Environmental Health Impacts AI-based cell imaging approaches for identifying and quantifying microorganisms in water and wastewater
Source & Catchments Modernising microbial risk assessment: Innovative strategies for contaminant detection
Networks & Treatment Antimicrobial resistance in advanced water treatment systems and supply networks