• Project No 1117
  • Project Name Update the Good Practice Guide to the Operation of Drinking Water Supply Systems for the Management of Microbial Risk (GPG)
  • Lead Organisation Coliban Water
  • Main Researcher Bruce Murray, Peter Mosse
  • Completion Year 2020

Project Description

The ADWG explains policies but does not provide the specific steps and actions needed to apply risk management principles within a water treatment plant (WTP). The original ‘Guide to Drinking Water Supply Systems for the Management of Microbial Risk’ (WaterRA Project 1074) filled this gap by providing Australian-specific advice about managing and optimising common water treatment processes to achieve microbial health-based targets. Since its publication in 2015 it has become a popular reference document, and its widespread acceptance and use has prompted the production of this second edition. Included are updated technologies and regulations, and a series of auditing tools and templates for application in a variety of situations, including the identification and quantification of risk.

Click here to download the Good Practice Guide.