Whole Water

Our Whole Water Community of Interest connects utilities with researchers to investigate and develop technological advances and innovative concepts around the interplay of water, wastewater and energy. Contributing to the development and delivery of a holistic research program with national benefits, our COI will enable utilities to become more resource efficient now and in the future.

Water/energy/nutrient circular economy is a vast concept. Technological advances and innovative concepts around the interplay of water, wastewater and energy offer exciting new opportunities for utilities to become more resource efficient.

There are many questions to be answered before proceeding and a holistic approach is required to deliver a successful program with national economic and sustainability benefits.

Our Whole Water COI, created in our Horizon 21 workshop, is comprised of an active and committed group of member organisations and trusted partners endeavouring to establish a Whole Water Research Program that delivers a series of priority, foundation projects to address the theoretical and practical requirements of the “water energy nexus” and “circular economy and nutrient recovery,” focussed on:

  • Desktop global scans for best practice
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Technology trials
  • State of Practice manuals to provide utilities with guidance as to how to access technologies that best suit their individual circumstances.

It is envisaged individual focus streams will flow from the program allowing for internal and external collaboration with various industries to investigate and solve specific technological questions.

Water Sector Impact

The topic has been identified as ‘immense’ and is a high priority to industry. A collaborative and rapid response will enable the sector to realise proactive benefits:

Minimised carbon footprint, and maximisation of economic & environmental sustainability

Minimised waste costs

Diversification of revenue

Adherence to SDG goals and state -based regulatory expectations (ie Victoria’s Net Zero by 2050)

Addressing customer/community/stakeholder expectations of a 'sustainable' focused industry

Latest Updates

Priority Activities

Mapping the key drivers, research gaps, and research ideas fundamental to a circular economy for water utilities:

Hydrogen Economy
Released at Singapore International Water Week 2022, our conceptual model maps the opportunities for Water Industry participation in a hydrogen-enabled circular economy.

Net Zero Utilities
Net Zero utilities and Resource Recovery mapping are currently in progress.

Whole Water Projects

Resources & Releases

Latest Factsheet

Hydrogen economy based Advanced Oxidation Process

Circular Economy Projects

Join the COI

For more information on the Whole Water COI Research Program or to join the COI please contact Dr Arash Zamyadi.

Have a significant or emerging challenge or need which you think others share? Contact one of our Research Managers and they can assist in creating a new COI and bring you together with like-minded peers to shape the future of research.