The ADWG has methods for predicting risks to water quality, but these were not developed for managing extreme climate-change driven weather events such as bushfires or floods…
The ADWG has methods for predicting risks to water quality, but these were not developed for managing extreme climate-change driven weather events such as bushfires or floods…
This research was prompted by concerns that rooftop-harvested rainwater fed into household hot water services might expose the public to harmful pathogens such as salmonella…
‘Microbial source tracking’ (MST) is a technique that aims to identify the animal that excreted faeces and polluted water…
Cryptosporidium, a microscopic pathogen, forms infectious oocysts which are removed by specific and targeted water treatments…
Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) blooms decrease water quality by releasing toxins and unpalatable taste and odour compounds…
The ADWG 2011 lacked objective, quantifiable criteria for measuring pathogen removal from source waters…
Climate change is depleting water resources, while population increases drive demand for additional recreational facilities, particularly in the vicinity of urban centres…
Approximately 11% of Australians use rainwater as their main source of potable water but this poses a potential health risk caused by chemical contaminants or microbial pathogens from birds or mammals being washed off the roof…
Cyanobacteria are blue-green algae that can bloom and grow to the extent that their green-coloured cells are visible both within and on top of water bodies…